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I'm going to go ahead and explain this now instead of at the end, after much hair-pulling and But what does it mean?!

I worry.

It's a thing.

That I do.

I find ways to rationalize it.  Sometimes I don't even realize I'm doing it.  I actually never mean to do it.  I usually think I project a level of calm known only to sedated rabbits.

But sometimes my anxiety - usually related to social situations, but it's as flexible as I am and tends to take many forms - rises up and makes me freeze and glare icily at everything like Napoleon at a convention of stilt-walkers.

It's at these times especially that I need to be reminded of God's goodness, mercy, grace, and love.

(And also that not everyone in the world is looking into my soul and wondering if I do children's parties.)

Scripture that tells us not to worry is not a Get out of jail free card.  It does not guarantee an easy life.

But it does remind me that worrying is pointless.  That being frightened or dismayed does not honour my Creator.  That I have a Spirit of power, love, and self-discipline.  

Hakuna matata.

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